acrylic canvas painting

December Glow in the Dark Abstract Acrylic Painting

Painting for Christmas Gift Abstract Acrylic Dec 2023 KLANGWELT

I started this painting a few weeks ago and I worked in small bursts at it because December has been so strange this year. So far it has been full of positives, as always, being my favorite month (because of the Holidays) but also full of sadness due to heartbreaking family events.

Two New Acrylic Paintings and a WIP

[ohio_heading module_type_layout="on_left" heading_type="h1" subtitle_type_layout="without_subtitle" title="VHdvJTIwTmV3JTIwQWNyeWxpYyUyMFBhaW50aW5ncyUyMGFuZCUyMGElMjBXb3JrJTIwaW4lMjBQcm9ncmVzcyUyMCUyOEV4Y2x1c2l2ZSUyMFZpZGVvJTIwb24lMjBQYXRyZW9uJTI5" title_typo="{``font_size``:````,``font_size_tablet``:````,``font_size_mobile``:````,``line_height``:````,``line_height_tablet``:````,``line_height_mobile``:````,``letter_spacing``:````,``letter_spacing_tablet``:````,``letter_spacing_mobile``:````,``color``:````,``weight``:``900``,``style``:``uppercase``,``use_custom_font``:true,``custom_font``:``DM Sans:400,700``}"] Lately I've been searching for and revisiting a lot of older music, especially the much loved dungeon synth, ambient, and experimental songs that can't be placed inside a niche or a particular genre. Nothing against genres or anything, but personally I'm fascinated by uniqueness and particularity, which seem ... Two New Acrylic Paintings and a WIP

A New Abstract Acrylic Painting: Winter Circle III (AB/YS/MAL)

"Winter Circle III" Abstract Acrylic Mixed Media Painting on canvas
[ohio_heading module_type_layout="on_left" heading_type="h1" subtitle_type_layout="without_subtitle" title="QSUyME5ldyUyMEFic3RyYWN0JTIwQWNyeWxpYyUyMFBhaW50aW5nJTNBJTIwQUIlMkZZUyUyRk1BTA==" title_typo="{``font_size``:````,``font_size_tablet``:````,``font_size_mobile``:````,``line_height``:````,``line_height_tablet``:````,``line_height_mobile``:````,``letter_spacing``:````,``letter_spacing_tablet``:````,``letter_spacing_mobile``:````,``color``:````,``weight``:``700``,``style``:``inherit``,``use_custom_font``:true,``custom_font``:``DM Sans:400,700``}" content_styles=".vc_custom_1669159230437{padding-top: 10% !important;padding-right: 10% !important;padding-bottom: 10% !important;padding-left: 10% !important;}"] Happy to be able to present a new painting I finished a few weeks ago. Time for me has been so weird lately that I honestly have no idea if it's been days or weeks, but the most important ... A New Abstract Acrylic Painting: Winter Circle III (AB/YS/MAL)

Glow in the Dark Paintings Inspired by Autumn

[ohio_heading module_type_layout="on_left" heading_type="h1" subtitle_type_layout="without_subtitle" title="R2xvdyUyMGluJTIwdGhlJTIwRGFyayUyMFBhaW50aW5ncyUyMEluc3BpcmVkJTIwYnklMjBBdXR1bW4=" title_typo="null"] I haven't really realized how much I was missing autumn until I got a short remembrance of it in the form of crunchy leaves, chilly winds, and the smell of burnt wood and knitted sweaters. Even though I'm not particularly fond of colder seasons, I appreciate them for balance ... Glow in the Dark Paintings Inspired by Autumn