Content Creation and Visual Storytelling

December Glow in the Dark Abstract Acrylic Painting

Painting for Christmas Gift Abstract Acrylic Dec 2023 KLANGWELT

I started this painting a few weeks ago and I worked in small bursts at it because December has been so strange this year. So far it has been full of positives, as always, being my favorite month (because of the Holidays) but also full of sadness due to heartbreaking family events.

Art Journal Series: Living Seasonally

Art Journal Series: Living Seasonally
[ohio_heading module_type_layout="on_left" heading_type="h1" subtitle_type_layout="without_subtitle" title="QXJ0JTIwSm91cm5hbCUyMFNlcmllcyUzQSUyMExpdmluZyUyMFNlYXNvbmFsbHklMjA=" title_typo="{``font_size``:````,``font_size_tablet``:````,``font_size_mobile``:````,``line_height``:````,``line_height_tablet``:````,``line_height_mobile``:````,``letter_spacing``:````,``letter_spacing_tablet``:````,``letter_spacing_mobile``:````,``color``:````,``weight``:``inherit``,``style``:``inherit``,``use_custom_font``:true,``custom_font``:``Forum:regular``}"] Seems like autumn has made its way over here again, and it makes me happy because nature changed its clothes into my favorite colors, of deep reds and orange, rich yellows and gold, copper browns, and black. Once with it, my mood has also slipped into a more introspective ... Art Journal Series: Living Seasonally